motorcycle (or motorbike) is a two-wheeled vehicle powered by an engine. The wheels are in-line, and at higher speed the motorcycle remains upright and stable by virtue of gyroscopic forces; at lower speeds continual readjustment of the steering by the rider gives stability. The rider sits astride the vehicle on a seat, with hands on a set of handlebars (either a single bar or "clip-on"s which are used to steer the motorcycle, in conjunction with the rider shifting their weight through their feet, which are supported on a set of "footpegs" or "pegs" which stick out from the frame.
Free desktop bikes, motorcycles wallpapers, these wallpapers are in size of 1024 x 768 , 800 x 600 or 1152x 864 pixels, just click on your favorite wallpaper and read the instructions about bringing the wallpaper on your desktop..

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