
CN: Punch Time Explosion (3DS, PS3, Xbox360, wii, Facebook)

It is a fun fighting game for kids. All CN characters are face to face in an epic action battle. Punch Time explosion features characters from the cartoon network channel shows. There are 3 types of characters in the game. Playable characters, unlockable characters and assist characters. For 3ds, the number of characters is very huge but the playable options are limited. However, favorite characters from the kids channel make it a fun game for kids. For console versions more characters are playable. Characters from 11 CN shows have their own movements and special moves. The game is also featuring single and multiplayer modes. The game is developed by papaya studio and published by crave entertainment.
Release date USA:
3DS – June 7 2011
PS3 and Xbox 360 – September 2011.

Cartoon network Punch time explosion Characters Video


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