
Mount&Blade with Fire and Sword Review – PC

Are you really interested wasting 1000 hours in front of this game? Honestly I really didn’t like this game. This game is no more than a modification of mount&Blade: Warblade game. What’s the slight modification? Yeh,a gun that takes years to load. And almost everything is same as that of previous game.
The graphics looks like a game that released in 2000 or 2001. It’s due to lack of investment in this game.

The only thing that I liked in this game is the battle. The combat skills are good. You can win a one-on-one battle with lot of self damage. But against 2 or 3 direct battle you don’t even get a chance to strike. Opponents strikes faster than the player.
The experience points don’t have any great values in this game. The only thing is if you want to take some weapons you need some strength. That’s all.
The text will display on the screen but there is no sound. And the same music is repeating all the time.
After finding this game is nothing more than a game to make profit for ‘Taleworlds’ I quit playing this game after nearly 40 hours of play and removed it. Absolutely, the company didn’t give values to the gamer.
Conclusion: Poorly structured game with Average score of 2/10. I have seen many game sites rate it as an excellent game. I don’t know why but I know this game doesn’t have any value for your money. Totally disappointing.


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