
Brody Jenner Tattoos - Celebrity Tattoos

Brody Jenner Tattoos - Celebrity Tattoos
Brody Jenner Tattoos - Celebrity Tattoos
Brody Jenner Tattoos - Celebrity Tattoos
Brody Jenner Tattoos - Side Tattoo
Brody Jenner Tattoos - Celebrity Tattoos
Brody Jenner Tattoos
Brody Jenner Tattoos - Celebrity Tattoos
Brody Jenner Tattoos
Brody Jenner Tattoos - Celebrity Tattoos
Brody Jenner Tattoos - Celebrity Tattoos
Brody Jenner Tattoos - Celebrity Tattoos
Brody Jenner Tattoos - Celebrity Tattoos
Brody Jenner Tattoos - Celebrity Tattoos
Brody Jenner Tattoos - Celebrity Tattoos
Brody Jenner is a popular American television personality and model, known for his role on the television series 'The Hills'. Brody Jenner has been spotted with a few tattoos, including his last name "Jenner" in Gothic script down his left side. He also has the letter B tattooed on his right wrist and another letter on his right hand. He is also rumored to have the letter T B tattooed on his inner right wrist and the name of an ex girlfriend on the inside of his bottom lip.


For someone who likes tattoos, the most precious thing is bare skin.  ~Cher

Ink to paper is thoughtful
Ink to flesh, hard-core.
If Shakespeare were a tattooist
We'd appreciate body art more.
~Carrie Latet

A man without tattoos is invisible to the Gods.  ~Iban Proverb,


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