Sweet Puddin'

Yellow Fever

Reader Submission! Tina Hope sent this classic pinup in yellow, done by Gary in Illustrated Man, Sydney, Australia.
Like a Virgin!

Sorry for all the music references. Very 80s, and very gay. Perhaps my unconscious is trying to tell me something. Anyway, this Mary was done by Kristel.
I'm in the Army now, woo-oo!

Another Tony Ciavarro pinup, an army tattooist girl. Which is kind of ironic, given that the army are trying to purge tattooed soldiers from their ranks.
We got Needled!
Warning - one pic nsfw, perhaps nsf anything.

Ha! We got featured on Needled's blog here, thanks Marissa! As a result, now I have tattoo artists sending me their pinups! Larry Brogan of Tattoo City SkinArt sent me a shitload, so I've posted the best above, along with a wicked painting he did. I recommend you visit his site though, for the whole enchillada.
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Ha! We got featured on Needled's blog here, thanks Marissa! As a result, now I have tattoo artists sending me their pinups! Larry Brogan of Tattoo City SkinArt sent me a shitload, so I've posted the best above, along with a wicked painting he did. I recommend you visit his site though, for the whole enchillada.
Celeb Worship

Some celeb pinups, from Aaron 15 (or at least i think thats how his name goes). As if you can't tell, its Dita Von Teese, Angelina Jolie and Scarlett Johanssen.
Gypsy King!

A reader submission! This sweet gypsy head was done by Mo Coppoletta of The Family Business, London, on Laurence Pisani.

This Joe Capobianco lady reminds of my favourite Lord Flasheart quote from Blackadder... 'Always treat your plane like you treat your woman...get in her five times a day and take her to Heaven and back!'
Dead nice!

I love this day of the dead lady by Chris Vennekamp, which (i think) is based on the artwork of Sylvia Ji.