I love Carmen Electra (especially when she got snotted on by King Kong in the extras of Scary Movie 3*) so naturally I adore this perfect Mike De Vries portrait.
*Yes, I've seen the extras of Scary Movie 3. What of it?
A Tartan Tart
Nice Scottish pin-up from Johanna this time, and I love the owl on her leg. Missing a can of Tennants Export though.
Nighty Night
Thought that today I'd post a series of lovely pin-ups by Johanna of Bluebird Tattoo, Vasteras, Sweden.
Green With Envy
Another great example of Sean Herman's skewed use of colour. Either that or She-Hulk is looking better these days...
Classic pin-up of the day!
Nice black n grey work from Rich Helton. I love the use of white highlighting in this - ever so subtle...